Wednesday, April 29, 2009

At Fault

Song of the day: "Make Me Believe" Godsmack

If something happens in which you are a slightly major piece on the playing field, does that make you at fault? Does it make you the one to blame? I've been told not, but I'm not sure I really believe it.... I'm having trouble deciding if it's my fault or the fault of another. Is it really anyone's fault or is it just Fate sticking Her head in and playing the slightly cruel bit, or is it just life? Something we can not change and have no control over? If I'm finally happy at the expense of someone else's pain, is that my fault? If I wasn't here at all would it fix things and undo what has been done for the time being and allow people to patch up wounds and put the chain links back together? I've always wondered about that. I know that makes me sound emo and ridiculous, but it's true....I've always had that question whispering in the back of my mind, haunting my thoughts and raping my dreams of the things I'd much rather see, the night sky or the things I care for most. There are so many things out there that we can not control. Some people think they can control everything. Maybe for a time and maybe over some people but.... we can never truely control someone else's actions or their words or feelings. I probably should have added somewhere in all this that I am a lifestyle switch. Anyways..... What makes someone a bad person? Is it the way they talk and act? Is it their actions? Is it their past and their demons? Is it where they grew up and the type of person they are? Is it what they've learned throughout their life? Or is it what they've done with all that information and teachings? Who they've chosen to become? If that's the case does that make me a bad person? Does it make the world so full of bad people? Or are they good people who've made bad decisions? Who gets to choose whose good and whose bad? What gives any one person the right to say who lives and who dies? Is it really just, or is it something hidden beneath the skin? I think this is enough for now, I have said all I need to for the moment and I think I've bitched enough to last a few days. Have a good day and bye for now.


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